Opinion: Remembering the year that changed everything

Brandon Mayse

For this graphic, designer Brandon Mayse used a coronavirus image created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC image reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. The original photo is by Alissa Eckert, MS and Dan Higgins, MAMS via the Public Health Image Library at CDC.

A year ago, students and teachers across DeSoto County Schools left for a weeklong Spring Break. While we were enjoying our vacation from school, Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves declared a state of emergency because of the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the new strain of the coronavirus. That led to another week off, and before we knew it, we were out of the classroom for 163 days.

Through those days, many people discovered things about themselves. Whether we found new hobbies, conquered new challenges, or grew from our past problems, these times were jarring for everyone. 

Covid and quarantine hit people like a brick. We were told and believed that Covid would be over “be Easter,” “in a few months,” and then “by Christmas.” People hoped for the horror to be left behind in 2020, “the worst year ever,” but after each day passed, we slowly realized the ending was just beginning.

Last year when we went home for Spring Break, it was the beginning of something horrible. Now, an entire year has passed. As we leave today for Spring Break 2021, we venture into a world with three vaccines on the market and a drop in Covid cases and deaths across the country. The end of the pandemic is so close for all of us.

Many want to get over these difficult times. They want to run to the next chapter of their lives and leave these events behind without looking back. It’s important to remember that this happened. It’s important to face these challenging times, not run away from them. Both the good and the bad will not be forgotten. 

Many years from now, the year of 2020 will be remembered. It was truly a year like no other, as it has impacted all of us. We lost many great people, sacrificed important milestones, and we have given up many moments of our lives. It will be taught in classrooms and written in textbooks, since it is now an important part of history.

2020, what a year it was.