We are approaching the season of giving. Whether it’s hosting a Valentine’s dance, building houses, or even collecting socks, Interact serves the community all year round. Here’s what one of the club’s sponsors, Mrs. Green, had to say about the club that she takes great pride in.
Question: What is Interact?
Green: Interact is a division of rotary, a community service based organization for adults. There’s a college level and a high school level that is sponsored by the Rotary club…we give back to the community through various projects.
Question: What is Socktober?
Green: It is a class competition. The class that brings in the most socks [by the percentage of class size] wins a donut party. It was actually started by Kid President four years ago, and it has gone nationwide. The purpose is to provide items that homeless shelters need and one of the main things they need are socks.
Question: How does this project represent Interact’s motto (“service about self, he who serves others profits most”)?
Green: We are making sure that we are putting others’ needs ahead of our own…teenagers always get such a bad reputation for being selfish. We have 130 members this year, so this proves that we have [people] who are willing to put their own needs and interests aside to help others, which is huge.
Question: What other service projects are Interact doing this year?
Green: We have so many… [Habitat for Humanity, Valentine’s Dance for special needs students, trash pickup, food pantry, etc].
Question: Anything else?
Green: The reason that Ms. Coleman and I love this club so much is not only do we get to give back to the community, but we get to watch the teenagers doing something that people don’t think is typical, and they [teenagers] enjoy it so much.