Juniors take spirit stick, but will they keep it?
In a stunning break from tradition at the winter sports pep rally today, the senior class did not win the spirit stick.
“It kind of sucks, but it proves that the streak can end,” a disappointed David Duvall said after Assistant Principal Brenda Case broke a long-standing tradition and tossed the spirit stick to the juniors. “I have always experienced the seniors winning.”
Carson Ewing was excited about the juniors finally getting a chance to win.
“I feel surprised about the outcome,” Ewing said. “Credit to Mrs. Case for actually picking the loudest class.”
The senior class, in protest, crossed the gym to take the spirit stick back from the juniors.
“I feel like they needed a little bit of celebration too, but we took it back just to let them know it was ours,” Ewing said.
Even CHHS staff couldn’t believe what happened.
“I loved it,” coach Bruce Hall said. “I wish I could have taken pictures of the seniors’ faces.”
Science teacher Amber Smith said the Class of 2021 deserved to win.
“They were the loudest,” she said. “I think it was unexpected, which was a good thing. It gave the other classes like the freshmen and sophomores the ability to see that it isn’t all about the seniors.”
If they want the prized spirit stick back, the Class of 2020 will have to step up their game.
“I think we can win it back,” Duvall said.

Rebecca "Paige" Brick
Co-Editor-in-Chief, The Pony Express
Paige Brick is Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Pony Express for 2019-2020. She is a senior and...

Katie Whitaker
Staff/Photographer, The Pony Express
Katie Whitaker is a staff photographer for The Pony Express.
Trinity Waldrip
Staff/Reporter, The Pony Express.
Trinity Waldrip is a staff reporter for The Pony Express.