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The student news site of Center Hill High School.

The Pony Express

The student news site of Center Hill High School.

The Pony Express

The student news site of Center Hill High School.

The Pony Express

Growing Past Expectations: Noonan Syndrome Awareness Month

Growing Past Expectations: Noonan Syndrome Awareness Month

Tony Macklin Jr., Staff/News & Student Life Reporter
February 14, 2022
Pony Express illustrator, Jasmine Cork, gives her take on the Winterfest spirit and activities through digital art.

Sketching out Winterfest spirit

Jasmine Cork, Staff/Illustrator
January 27, 2022
Ashia Eubanks, bottom right, has been FaceTiming with friends while school is closed to slow the spread of COVID-19. Pictured with her are, from top left, Ana Le, Kymoria Mottley and Lyndsey Bailey. "The part that sucks is not being able to go out. Not being able to physically hang out with friends, go to the grocery store without the fear of catching a threatening virus, or simply being able to go to a restaurant with family," she said.

My quarantine experience

Ashia Eubanks, Staff/Reporter
April 11, 2020
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