Slideshow: HOCO Tourist Day, 10/9/18
The Tuesday of Homecoming Week was Tourist Day. Photographers Candice Buford, Rachel Davis and Natalie Sumlar captured these images of students and staff dressed up in their best tourist/vacation attire.
Here are the dress-up days for the rest of Homecoming Week:
• Wednesday is Out of This World Day, so dig out your best outer space gear.
• Thursday is Decades Day. Dress up as your favorite throwback, but take note of which decade is assigned to your class. Freshmen will be the ’50s, sophomores will be the ’70s, juniors will be the ’90s and seniors will be the ’80s.
• Friday is Spirit Day. Show pride in your school with your Mustang apparel.
The Homecoming parade will be at 2 p.m. Friday. Kickoff for the Homecoming game against Lewisburg will be at 7 p.m.

Candice Buford (she/her)
Staff/Reporter, The Pony Express.
“Quote.” — Author
Candice Buford is a senior and has been on The Pony Express staff...

Nadia Sumlar
Co-Editor-in-Chief, The Pony Express
Nadia Sumlar, Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Pony Express for 2019-2020, is a senior at Center Hill High...